Program Impact.

  • RLI course improves health professionals' wellbeing

    RLI alumni report frequently using the skills they learned in the course and significant improvements in their wellbeing.

  • Narrative storytelling highlights the impact of the RLI course on alumni

    Watch this video to hear from RLI alumni on how the course has impacted their leadership practice.

  • HEALR program achieves policy changes that can improve community health

    Our relational organizing efforts led to concrete policy change around affordable housing and language access in Oregon.

  • HEALR program centers community voices in advocating for policy change

    Learn about the impact of community leaders sharing their personal stories of navigating healthcare to local policymakers at the 2023 Health Justice Forum/Foro de Salud Justa.

  • Clinic-based organizing can improve health equity

    This podcast features a conversation with RELATE Lab’s Hilary Mar Lopez Nichols sharing experiences with using community organizing in clinical settings to help advance health equity.


Academic Papers