Relational Community Organizing

Building community power.


Health is more than healthcare. Creating a humanizing and equitable health system for all means moving beyond simply diagnosing illness and treating with medicines—it also means identifying the social/structural conditions that aren’t working and acting on them by building power together.

Our Health Equity and Leadership at Richmond (HEAL-R) program elevates patients and community members as experts in social drivers of health, brings members together in safer containers to identify both unique lived experiences and shared common ground, and partners in changing policies/practices that promote health and happiness for all.

  • Building Relational Leadership Capacity

    We develop the Relational Leadership capacity of patients and community members through our Health Equity & Inclusive Leadership eXperience (HEALIX).

  • Catalyzing Systems Change

    We co-create spaces where patients, community members, and healthcare workers connect through their shared humanity, build trust together, and partner to create a healthier and equitable community.

  • Our Impact

    Our organizing efforts have led to concrete policy change around affordable housing and language access in Oregon.