Multimedia Storytelling

Storytelling for change.


One of our team’s core beliefs is that the practice of storytelling is a powerful vehicle for transformation. Personal narratives have the power to change not only individual hearts and minds but, when done as a collective practice, have the potential to transform entire systems.

  • Together Well

    Stories about COVID-19’s impact on our lives – the good, the bad, and the unexpected - to help us collectively make sense of the pandemic’s impact on all members of the community.

  • Power With Anthology

    Stories that imagine what a transformed healthcare system – one that is more equitable, relational and human-centered and that embraces a “power-with” dynamic – might look like.

  • Storytellers Bill of Rights

    We believe stories are a gift to be generously and voluntarily shared by a storyteller. That is why the RELATE Lab pledges to honor the rights of the Storytellers we engage with