Academic Papers.

  • The Transformational Power of Storytelling

    The Transformational Power of Storytelling

    Healthcare has increasingly embraced storytelling, acknowledging its vital role in addressing burnout, nurturing resilience, and driving behavior change. Read examples of how clinicians are using storytelling practices.

  • RLI participants experience improvements in well-being

    We found significant improvements in RLI participant well-being after the course, and these improvements remain at 6-months post-program.

  • Relational organizing supports health system and community collaboration

    Relational organizing contributes to greater self-efficacy in a time of crisis, an enhanced sense of connection, and ultimately a sense of successful collaboration between community health clinics, public health offices, and community groups.

  • Relational Organizing within Healthcare Organizations

    We have embedded a relational community organizer within health care to advance health equity. Learn how relational organizing during COVID-19 contributed to the alignment between cross-sectoral groups that was key to success. See Chapter 1, pages 62-77.

  • Leading through (and beyond) COVID-19 in Primary Care

    Leading through (and beyond) COVID-19 in Primary Care

    As the burnout and workforce crises have accelerated, we have identified strategies can be useful to leaders to support teams and build organizational resilience in primary care moving forward.

  • An antidote to what’s ailing healthcare workers: a new (old) way of relational leadership

    Our research team found participants in the Relational Leadership Institute had greater self-awareness, deeper understanding of others, and increased confidence in supporting others, building relationships & making positive changes on their teams.

  • Co-Creating a Thriving Human-Centered Health System in the Post-Covid-19 Era

    Organizational development research points to evidence-based leadership actions during the tail of the pandemic that could not only promote well-being in the short term but also imprint more permanently into the culture of the health care system.

  • Reimagining Relationship-Based Health Care in a Post-COVID World

    We have an opportunity to reimagine visits entirely—both office-based and virtual—and leverage technology to transform a unidirectional model into one that values relationships as critical facilitators of health and well-being for both patients and providers.


Program Impact


Tools & Resources