Relational Leadership Curriculum

Introduction to RLI

Monday, September 30th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


In this introductory session, participants connect with each other to establish the tone and dynamic for group learning moving forward. Participants are introduced to the basic framework and four competency domains of Relational Leadership™.

Participants discuss how Relational Leadership™ skills complement traditional approaches to leadership and begin the process of examining power structures that inform leadership approaches while being introduced to their small learning groups, where they begin developing group norms and destinations in addition to identifying their own leadership development goals for the course.

Narrative Leadership

Monday, October 7th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Developing a safe container and strategies to engage both the heads (e.g., data, research) and the hearts (e.g., values, experiences) of others is critical to effective change — to building new teams, reshaping organizations and institutions, and supporting the well-being of others around us. Narrative leadership is an emerging framework to cultivate resilience, establish connection, and motivate action through strategic public storytelling.

In this workshop, participants explore the art and science of story, as well as the essential components of compelling and deliberate storytelling. Through crafting their own story and responding to others’ narratives, participants learn how narrative can help build teams in healthcare, foster well-being, and inspire necessary action.  


Monday, October 14th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Differences in social position and identity play a key role in shaping how individuals experience and interact with their teams. Cultivating a lens of understanding around those elements in shifting environments is vital to maintaining safe containers for shared work and collaboration.

In this workshop, participants will learn a framework from assessing their own social agency relative to their environment and how to create psychological safety for themselves and others.


Monday, October 21st

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


In this session, participants will be introduced to the one-to-one, an intentional, face-to face interaction we have with others to explore their motivations, develop shared connections, and identify individuals who would be ideal teammates to engage in core teams. Participants will first learn a framework of team building that is founded on building a small core team of passionate, committed colleagues. They will then learn the practical skill of one-to-ones, practicing in groups and receiving constructive feedback to hone their approach.

5 Dynamics

Monday, October 28th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Each of us are wired to be more energized by some kinds of activity (e.g., brainstorming new approaches to problems), and less energized by other types (e.g., diving deep into budgeting). Sometimes there’s a natural fit between the task at hand and the amount of energy we bring to the task, keeping us engaged and energized; other times, there isn’t, leaving us drained and overwhelmed. The same is true with teams — many teams get “stuck” on differences between team members’ hard-wired energies, and mismatches in the team’s energy and the task at hand.  

In this workshop, participants are introduced to frameworks that cultivate self awareness for how they can show up on their teams and contribute to more inclusive environments in their work. They also are introduced to a methodology called 5 Dynamics, which is a powerful tool for understanding work, learning, and collaboration styles that can be used to optimize the performance and satisfaction of individuals and teams. After learning about the basic theory of individuals’ energy preferences and the phases of work all projects must pass through, participants will leave with a better understanding of how to optimize their own performance and satisfaction, and how to do the same for their teams. 

Collaborative Decision Making

Monday, November 4th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Building on the developed understanding of energy preferences, participants are introduced to the basics of optimal group decision making. Participants learn a practical collaborative framework, and are introduced to tools that promote engagement, trust, psychological safety, and effective planning. At the end of the workshop, individuals will have a set of concrete approaches to collaborative decision making that they can use in all domains of their professional lives. 


Monday, November 18th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


To make lasting, powerful change in healthcare — from transforming health systems to introducing new approaches to health professional education — we have to cultivate leaders who will usher in that critical change, motivate people to step into leadership positions, and help more colleagues lead from where they stand.  

Based on a strengths-based, Gestalt approach, our coaching training is an opportunity to develop a comprehensive set of tools for building leadership capacity in others. In this interactive workshop, participants learn basic coaching theory, draw on powerful tools to bring out the best in others, while empowering peers to find their own answers to vexing questions. 

Conflict Transformation

Monday, November 25th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


As the healthcare system transitions toward team-based care, conflict is becoming an inevitable aspect of our professional lives. Though diverging perspectives, stressful situations, and interpersonal tensions may be inevitable in team-based healthcare, the negative impact of conflict in group settings can be minimized by cultivating leaders who can recognize the widespread impact of “silence” and “violence” — two common response styles in stressful situations — and work to foster a team environment where conflict is normalized, surfaced, and addressed in a relational manner.  

In the second half of this session, participants reflect upon their own responses to conflict in the work setting, and the impact these responses may have on one’s own well-being, as well as on healthy team functioning. Increased self-awareness of one’s tendencies in response to conflict will help participants understand and practice the crucial conversations framework, a relational approach to conflict management that emphasizes creating psychologically safer interactions. 

Transformative Action

Monday, December 2nd

2:00 PM - 5:00 PMM


What would it look like to mobilize to effect change at the institutional, local, or even national level? What strategies would need to be employed? Is there a way to do that so that we not only accomplish our goals, but we also reinvigorate ourselves and our colleagues in the process? Revisiting and expanding on narrative leadership provides a framework for effective and engaging advocacy.

 In this workshop, participants will focus on integrating previously learned Relational Leadership™ tools, all of which are needed to develop the advocacy mindset and skills needed to accelerate change. Participants will continue to explore their own understanding of and feelings toward power, as they examine real examples of building relational power to accelerate change in healthcare. They will also learn to harness the power of Narrative Leadership to build strategies and advocacy tools, as well as connecting with and empowering individuals to work towards meaningful change.


Monday, December 9th

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Closure is an integral stage of team development, providing an opportunity to identify areas of growth, opportunities for improvement, and protect time and space for individual- and team-level reflections to enhance resilience. It is not unusual in our professional lives, however, to forgo steps to acknowledge closure and transitions of teams/projects, amidst our busy lives. The emotions that closure surfaces may even be uncomfortable for some team members.   

This session provides space for participants to engage in a formal closure activity together, to identify individual and collective accomplishments in their time together in the program. It also provides an opportunity for participants to synthesize their learning, exploring ways to act individually and collectively to incorporate and spread Relational Leadership™ practices into their professional and personal lives.