Matt Lewis

Co-Director of Relational Leadership Programs

Healthcare advocacy is connected to long-term questions at the heart of my work. Specifically, how do we personally connect (or deeply reconnect) to sources of resilience, meaning, and inspiration? And, in turn, how do we establish a felt sense of interdependent trust within our organizations and on our teams? I have engaged these questions in the classroom and outside of academia. Along the way, I have often found an unfortunate division— a gap between the scholar and the practitioner, between reflection and action, a divide that ultimately does a disservice to all. Since joining the teaching team for the first cohort of RLI, what has brought me back to this community as both a facilitator and trainer, and what continues to inspire me about Relational Leadership, is witnessing how it enables both students and professionals with the intellectual, emotional, and practical capacities needed to engage thoughtfully and agentively with the complexities of professional life. Also, I love working with colleagues and friends who understand there are many classrooms in which learning happens and that the experiential ones are often the most profound. 

This is the work for me. These are my people.